CLIENT: Waitaki District Council

The Waitaki District Council (WDC) is based in Oamaru, North Otago.

Oamaru is known as the Victorian Capital of New Zealand due to its beautifully conserved buildings of the Victorian Era thanks to the unique characteristics of the Oamaru Stone. Oamaru also claims to be the Steampunk capital of NZ.


In this context, the Community Services Group of the WDC commissioned Erdödy Consultancy for a Potentials Study to investigate the Economic Impact and Benefits of Culture and Heritage and its assets for the Waitaki District. To undertake the project Erdödy Consultancy reviewed large bibliography and international literature and best practice as well and did interviews to various stakeholders in the district and nationwide. To quantify the economic impact, Erdödy Consultancy specially adapted economic multipliers for the district and created exclusive tables collating diverse sources of information